
Where do I start

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Maybe on the odd occasion when I’m actually bothered to write something I will. I have a lot to say, but to type it out just takes too long…….I’d rather run down the street and shout it to people. But then my ancient Chinese neighbours might get scared. Apparently I spelled ‘neighbours’ wrong. What is this? I’m a weeaboo but I’m not proud of it. A year ago I would have never have thought I’d get to this stage of Japanese fandom, but I guess it was inevitable. However, I take pride in the fact I have not bought a dakimakura yet. Not that I object to people having one, (if I did it would have Trafalgar Law on it, his seiyuu is just 😎) but moving on I just think I’d feel awkward finding ‘comfort’ with an image of a fictional character. Also I may have forgotten to state an important fact; I’m a straight male. Of course there’s plenty of guys who marry them…but I get freaked out over things like this (NSFW):

So its a no-go for me. Also I hope that no one I actually know in real life finds this blog because I may have to commit sudoku. And while I’m here I might as well say: One Piece is love, One Piece is life. I am ridiculously crazy about it. Like really crazy.

And one last thing. I may seem like a idiot, but my idiocy has a purpose and it is planned.